...Computing Platform. We code in the open by default. All software we release to the public is under Open Government Licence or equivalent. Our developers work in multidisciplinary agile teams...
...this means we have the right tools for the job of promoting UK exports, attracting foreign investment and developing trade policy, it’s a real challenge for data protection. Or, at...
...we can we create more robust processes, freeing up staff time to focus on other tasks. Now that the new Leaving DBT Service has reduced the offboarding time to under...
...traders understand the full tariff, it was necessary to include information on suspensions, free trade agreements, trade defences, reliefs, autonomous quotas and import controls. Our teams have worked closely with...
...We’ll support you by providing: trust, autonomy and responsibility the space to progress fast and innovate in an environment free of heavy legacy flexible and mobile working as part of...
...one, without any idea what it would be like. This allowed us to create a chatbot without even writing a single line of code. No python, java, or visual basic...
...with accessibility in mind from the outset. We were lucky that DBT had already accepted it should meet the Technology Code of Practice and Service Standard for all services, regardless...
...content rich, trusted service which allows users to check duties and customs procedures for exporting goods to over 160 countries. The service allows users look up the correct commodity code...
...website. I found that I enjoyed figuring out how to make the code work and decided that I wanted to work in digital. When I realised that the Civil Service...
...comments stream where appropriate, using their own name, and signalling that they are commenting in an official capacity. The Civil Service Code has further guidance on online participation for staff....
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Digital, Data and Technology at DBT
The Digital, Data and Technology (DDaT) team at DBT creates the tools and services that enable businesses in the UK and overseas to prosper in the global economy.