How we are choosing to challenge this International Women’s Day
...surprised by the faces in the chain of senior people ahead of them. If you would like to be part of the DDaT team, sign up to receive our job...
...surprised by the faces in the chain of senior people ahead of them. If you would like to be part of the DDaT team, sign up to receive our job...
...We review the user needs and produce a clear communication plan for stakeholder engagement and sign off. To follow the analogy of the plant lifecycle, we remove plants as they...
...2020, I started work on a service for reporting and managing barriers to trade experienced by UK businesses entering overseas markets. Non-tariff barriers are the most significant impediment to international...
...user research competency and service manual on GOV.UK subscribing to the Digital Trade blog reading user research, design, and accessibility blogs on GOV.UK phone calls with existing civil servants about...
...learnt and ways we can improve. Feeling inspired? Sign up to receive job alerts Check out our other blogs on career advice, application guidance and interview tips on Digital Trade...
...are formed over Microsoft Teams, chatting in message threads, and sharing ideas in a dedicated channel. We feel firebreaks help to promote learning new skills and seeing new ways of...
...will be known long before the agreement is due to take effect. We keep transactions in ‘draft’ and allow them to be applied once agreements have been signed. This reduces...
...experiences and support for all UK small businesses seeking to sell overseas. We are always looking for people to join the DDaT team. Sign up to receive our job alerts...
A screenshot of an MS Teams call with the Engagement and Strategic Adoption team. Bottom right: Kamran Hussain. I had just completed my second year of studying Digital Media Design...
...shows what user-centred design looks like today at DIT: it is a central but small focus area within the DDaT function; the second shows how user-centred design will surround both...